Yanhua BMW FEM BDC key programmer read write engine ISN

OBD read write BMW FEM /BDC engine ISN on most N20, N13, N55 is possible with Yanhua BMW FEM /BDC key programmer V1.0.5.

Yanhua BMW FEM Auto Key Programmer , online update, support offline operate, safe and stable, easy to operate, support latest FEM vehicles till 2017

Guide: Yanhua BMW FEM / BDC V1.0.5 read write engine ISN via OBD

Click on “Connect” then “OBD read / write engine ISN”



Executing read DME ISN code…and then read out version



Pops up “ISN – DME/DDE [MEVD1725_N13]” and “Execute read DME ISN code success”.



Click on “Write” to have new DME ISN code and wait until writing succeed, click on “Close”.



One more time, click on “OBD read / write engine ISN” to read out the new ISN code, wait until you see the message “Execute read DME ISN code success”



Yanhua BMW-FEM/BDC V1.0.5 read and write DME ISN code succeed.
